Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Highest Paying Jobs in India 2020 for Freshers Experienced

Highest Paying Jobs in India 2020 for Freshers Experienced 2020 Highest Paying Jobs in India for Freshers Experienced9 min read Read ­ing Time: 6 min ­utesGot Stuck? Want a big ­ger pay ­check? Do you feel like you’re sleep ­walk ­ing through life with no real idea of what you want? In this guide, you can dis ­cov ­er a list of high pay ­ing jobs in India. India is com ­pet ­ing to be a glob ­al econ ­o ­my. There ­fore, the Gov ­ern ­ment of India has come up with an ambi ­tious goal. They have laid a foun ­da ­tion for young grad ­u ­ates to land into the high ­est pay ­ing jobs. Fresh ­ers, are you look ­ing for a job oppor ­tu ­ni ­ty? Click here tofind the most promis ­ing jobs in the indus ­try. Here is a list of High Paying Jobs in India: 1. Commercial Pilots: There is a tremen ­dous career growth for can ­di ­dates who have always had a dream to fly around the world. Hence, this job attracts many young ­sters to make a career in it. In fact, a com ­mer ­cial Pilot job is the high ­est pay ­ing job in India. So to con ­sid ­er this job, you must have a well-cul ­ti ­vat ­ed mind for tak ­ing up this chal ­leng ­ing job. This is a chal ­leng ­ing job that demands hard work, calm ­ness, lead ­er ­ship, abil ­i ­ty to under ­stand tech ­ni ­cal infor ­ma ­tion, clear com ­mu ­ni ­ca ­tion, prob ­lem-solv ­ing skills, etc. Qualification: You first have to obtain PPL (Pri ­vate Pilot License) and after that, you can get the CPL (Com ­mer ­cial Pilot License). Package: The start ­ing pack ­age of a com ­mer ­cial pilot is up to rupees 1.5L per month at a senior lev ­el, you can earn around Rs 5 lakh per month. Click here to know more about “How to Become A Pilot” 2. Doctors/Medical Professionals: In India, there is an old say ­ing that doc ­tors are sec ­ond to god on this earth. It is a pro ­fes ­sion in the world that gets the utmost respect. Physi ­cians are the ones who diag ­nose a patient and pre ­scribes med ­i ­cines and treat ­ment for the dis ­ease, while sur ­geons per ­form oper ­a ­tions. To begin your career as a doc ­tor you must have patience, com ­pas ­sion, con ­cen ­tra ­tion, emo ­tion ­al strength, as well as an eye for detail. Qualification: To become a doc ­tor you have to sink your teeth into prac ­tic ­ing med ­i ­cine. You have to take physics, chem ­istry as well as bio in 12th stan ­dard. Then for grad ­u ­a ­tion, you have to clear the entry-lev ­el exam of NEET-UG, NEET-PG, AIIMS Med ­ical entrance exam. Package: The field of med ­i ­cine is very com ­pet ­i ­tive, how ­ev ­er, it is one of the high pay ­ing jobs in India. But the salary of a doc ­tor depends on numer ­ous fac ­tors such as doc ­tor’s earn ­ing poten ­tial, includ ­ing spe ­cial ­iza ­tion, edu ­ca ­tion, as well as loca ­tion. On aver ­age, the salary ranges from 1.20 to 1. 5 L per month. 3. Merchant Navy: If you do not like the idea of work ­ing on a desk from 9 to 5 and have a desire for a high salary than the mer ­chant navy is the best option. For this, a per ­son who has an adven ­tur ­ous mind and loves to trav ­el and explore then than he/she will be a great fit for this oppor ­tu ­ni ­ty. Your job pro ­file will include trans ­port ­ing goods from one place to anoth ­er and 90% of your trav ­el ­ing will be over the sea. This job is the back ­bone of inter ­na ­tion ­al trade and one of the high pay ­ing jobs in India, car ­ry ­ing car ­go across the world. Qualification: The eli ­gi ­bil ­i ­ty for join ­ing the mer ­chant navy is fin ­ish ­ing class 12th with Physics, Chem ­istry Maths. The inter ­est ­ed can ­di ­dates can appear for the Indi ­an Mar ­itime Uni ­ver ­si ­ty Com ­mon Entrance Test (IMU CET) or the All India Mer ­chant Navy Entrance Exam. The oth ­er exams for Marine Engi ­neer ­ing are JEE, MERI Entrance Exam, TIMSAT. Package: In the Mer ­chant Navy, the salary range is from 12,000â€"8L rupees per month, the pay struc ­ture depends upon the city to city, export-import needs, senior ­i ­ty, etc. All offi ­cers, as well as crew mem ­bers, have access to free meals the offi ­cers can take along their wives. 4. Chartered Accountants: Char ­tered Accoun ­tant Job is the core of all types of busi ­ness ­es. The role of a char ­tered accoun ­tant is to give advice, audit the accounts and pro ­vide trust ­wor ­thy infor ­ma ­tion about finan ­cial records. This might involve finan ­cial report ­ing, tax ­a ­tion, audit ­ing, foren ­sic account ­ing, cor ­po ­rate finance, busi ­ness recov ­ery, and insol ­ven ­cy, or account ­ing sys ­tems and process ­es. Skills required to become a CA, dis ­ci ­pline, ana ­lyt ­i ­cal skills, com ­mu ­ni ­ca ­tion skills, eth ­i ­cal val ­ues, abil ­i ­ty to take stress, etc. Qualification: It is not easy to study for CA, it involves study ­ing volu ­mi ­nous books, under ­stand ­ing var ­i ­ous kinds of tax ­es, account the ­o ­ry prac ­tices. You have to com ­plete your high ­er sec ­ondary cer ­tifi ­cate with a Char ­tered Accoun ­tan ­cy cer ­tifi ­cate from the Insti ­tute of Char ­tered Accoun ­tants of India (ICAI). Package: CA’s are always in demand, the aver ­age salary ranges from 6 lakhs to 30 Lakhs. 5. Civil Services: In a democ ­ra ­cy, civ ­il ser ­vices play a vital role in the admin ­is ­tra ­tion, pol ­i ­cy for ­mu ­la ­tion and imple ­men ­ta ­tion, and in tak ­ing the coun ­try for ­ward towards progress and devel ­op ­ment. It will take your blood, sweat tears to become a civ ­il ser ­vant. There are dif ­fer ­ent roles in civ ­il ser ­vices: Indi ­an Admin ­is ­tra ­tive Services(IAS), Indi ­an For ­eign Services(IFS), Indi ­an Police Services(IPS), Indi ­an Rev ­enue Services(IRS). Qualification: For this, you must be a cit ­i ­zen of India, the age lim ­it is 21â€"30 years. Entry to the IAS, IPS and the Cen ­tral Ser ­vices is through the com ­bined com ­pet ­i ­tive exam ­i ­na ­tion for the Civ ­il Ser ­vices. Recruit ­ment to the Indi ­an For ­est Ser ­vice is through a sep ­a ­rate exam ­i ­na ­tion. The Com ­pet ­i ­tive Exam ­i ­na ­tion takes place in three stages- Stage1: Pre ­lims, it is a writ ­ten exam ­i ­na ­tion that con ­sists of two papers both in the objec ­tive for ­mat. Stage2: Main Exam ­i ­na ­tion, is the sub ­jec ­tive or essay type exam which includes nine papers. Stage3: Per ­son ­al ­i ­ty test, it is the most com ­pet ­i ­tive around and the can ­di ­dates are select ­ed in a ratio of 1:2. Package: The basic per month salary of civ ­il ser ­vants start with 50,000+ goes up to 2,50,000. Once you’ve been select ­ed to be a part of the gov ­ern ­ment team, you’ll have access to health care ben ­e ­fits, retire ­ment ben ­e ­fits, and many oth ­er ben ­e ­fits. 6. Software Engineer: Soft ­ware Engi ­neer is one of the most in-demand pro ­fes ­sion ­al fields in India. The role of a soft ­ware engi ­neer is to devel ­op and build com ­put ­er sys ­tem soft ­ware and appli ­ca ­tion soft ­ware. It requires pri ­or knowl ­edge of pro ­gram ­ming knowl ­edge, soft ­ware devel ­op ­ment, and com ­put ­er oper ­at ­ing sys ­tems. Skills required to become a com ­put ­er sci ­ence engi ­neer or a soft ­ware devel ­op ­er are orga ­ni ­za ­tion ­al skills, project man ­age ­ment, crit ­i ­cal think ­ing, and deci ­sion mak ­ing. Qualification: Soft ­ware Devel ­op ­ers usu ­al ­ly have a bach ­e ­lor’s degree in com ­put ­er and strong com ­put ­er pro ­gram ­ming skills. In Inter ­views, you will often be asked about data struc ­tures and algo ­rithms, so the the ­o ­ret ­i ­cal knowl ­edge pro ­vid ­ed by a tra ­di ­tion ­al col ­lege degree is a must. Package: The pack ­age of a soft ­ware engi ­neer depends on the col ­lege and the com ­pa ­ny you are talk ­ing about. In India, the salary of a soft ­ware devel ­op ­er goes as low as 2.5L per annum to over 30L per annum. It depends on the kind and the extent to which you have mas ­tered com ­put ­er pro ­gram ­ming skills. If you look at the place ­ment records of IIT of CSE branch it has an aver ­age pack ­age of around 15 lakhs per annum and the high ­est of 1 crore. 7. Cricketer Crick ­et is a game that is enjoyed world ­wide by ama ­teurs and pro ­fes ­sion ­als alike. If you’ve always been inter ­est ­ed in this field then you have to hit a home run before tast ­ing suc ­cess. Qualification: Crick ­et play ­ers are advis ­able to join the crick ­et acad ­e ­my at a younger age. So you can get good train ­ing and take your skills to the next lev ­el. The suc ­cess of a crick ­eter depends on an acad ­e ­my, coach, and men ­tor. Package: This field has the high ­est salary in India, the play ­ers who are of Grade A receives Rs. 2 crores annu ­al ­ly, play ­ers from Grade B and C receives 50 lakh. 8. Actors: The job role of an actor is to por ­tray a char ­ac ­ter in a movie, play, tele ­vi ­sion show, the ­ater pro ­duc ­tion, etc. For this, you must have an abil ­i ­ty to mem ­o ­rize lines, good screen or vocal pres ­ence and a good under ­stand ­ing of dra ­mat ­ic tech ­niques. Qualification: There is no edu ­ca ­tion required to become an actor and still, it is a high pay ­ing job in India. You will sure ­ly get a ben ­e ­fit if you have a bach ­e ­lor’s degree in the ­ater arts, dra ­ma, act ­ing. Act ­ing school is not a must to become an actor it is some ­thing that comes from with ­in. For this, you need expe ­ri ­ence, cre ­ativ ­i ­ty, per ­se ­ver ­ance. Package: The aver ­age salary for an Actor is 20,000 Rupees per month in India and as you get expe ­ri ­ence and expo ­sure you can earn in crores. 9. Management Specialists: Man ­age ­ment Spe ­cial ­ists are MBA grad ­u ­ates with a pro ­fes ­sion ­al role in areas like Mar ­ket ­ing, Finance, Human Resources, Oper ­a ­tions, as well as Logis ­tics. Qualification: The most sought after career is an MBA, one of the top-pay ­ing careers today. You can pre ­pare your ­self for entrance exams like CAT/XAT/CMAT/MAT/NMAT/SNAP some of the pop ­u ­lar region ­al entrance exams like MAH-MBA/MMS-CET. Learn about MBA from Top Busi ­ness Schools Package: If you have com ­plet ­ed your MBA from IIMs, FMS, ISB or XLRI than as a fresh ­er start ­ing pack ­age can be up to 8â€"10 Lakh per annum. IIM offers the high ­est pack ­age of INR 1 crore per annum. 10. Investment Bankers: Invest ­ment Bankers are not nor ­mal bankers who work for pri ­vate or gov ­ern ­ment banks. These bankers have degrees relat ­ed to account ­ing, busi ­ness, finance, eco ­nom ­ics, maths, sta ­tis ­tics as well as engi ­neer ­ing. The can ­di ­dates who are good in num ­bers have good ana ­lyt ­i ­cal and com ­mu ­ni ­ca ­tion skills are much val ­ued by recruiters. Qualification: A bachelor’s degree is a min ­i ­mum require ­ment to become an invest ­ment banker. For this, you must have a com ­pet ­i ­tive mind, sol ­id in reading/writing maths, good aca ­d ­e ­m ­ic cre ­den ­tials More ­over, after grad ­u ­at ­ing with a bach ­e ­lor’s degree, it is pos ­si ­ble to begin work ­ing in the field as an invest ­ment banker or after com ­plet ­ing your MBA from top busi ­ness schools. Package: Com ­pa ­nies like Gold ­man Sachs, JPMor ­gan Chase, Mor ­gan Stan ­ley, etc hire grad ­u ­ates hav ­ing degrees like- MBA, Eco ­nom ­ics, Sta ­tis ­tics, Engi ­neer ­ing, etc. The aver ­age salary of an invest ­ment banker in India is 10 to 25 lakhs per annum depend ­ing on the insti ­tute you are passed out from. Search All Cur ­rent Upcom ­ingJobs. Click here tofind over 4Lakh+Job Post ­ings in India. Bottom Line: As you can see, above is a list of High Pay ­ing Jobs in India and all it requires are some spe ­cial skills or qual ­i ­fi ­ca ­tions. Just remem ­ber that for each job, you will require superb skills as well as excel ­lent own ­er ­ship that comes with expe ­ri ­ence. More impor ­tant ­ly, you need to know your strengths, weak ­ness ­es, as well as inter ­ests. You have to choose some ­thing that excites you. Since your first job has a greater impact on your career, you should find one where you can uti ­lize your strength inter ­est. You need to give your ­self some time. The per ­son who can uti ­lize the avail ­able resources effec ­tive ­ly often land into the high ­est salary jobs. So start work ­ing towards your goal. All the best! Disclaimer: This arti ­cle includes advice for gen ­er ­al infor ­ma ­tion only. high paying jobs in indiahighest paying jobs in indiahighest paying jobs in india for freshers

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